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Can't get the code to target image

Last post 09-30-2000, 12:51 PM by anonymous2. 1 replies.
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  •  09-30-2000, 8:36 AM 1205

    Can't get the code to target image

    *** Posted by mriya225 ***
    Hi Run,
    I was unable to save the image file to the code because my web host requires that all images be uploaded through them. I'm also unable to use an editor - because we have to use their applet (maxedit); which makes it impossible to paste down in their environment.
    Anyway, I got the code up and running - but I cannot get it to target the image (or vice versa).
    The url:
    Arrgh, I'm not very well versed in code (html or java) I need your help, sorry.

  •  09-30-2000, 12:51 PM 1206 in reply to 1205

    Re:Can't get the code to target image

    *** Posted by run ***
    Hi There

    The reason why the logo is not displaying is because the logo is not in the same folder as the code. You can point the code to the folder where logo is by changing the following in the code:

    Change: src='avitop11.jpg' to src='../files/jetwash/avitop11.jpg'

    Regards John Raahauge

    [Hi Run,
    I was unable to save the image file to the code because my web host requires that all images be uploaded through them. I'm also unable to use an editor - because we have to use their applet (maxedit); which makes it impossible to paste down in their environment.
    Anyway, I got the code up and running - but I cannot get it to target the image (or vice versa).
    The url:
    Arrgh, I'm not very well versed in code (html or java) I need your help, sorry.

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